
The content and data contained in the website and mobile application are analyzed and interpreted based on public data. The public information is collected from reliable sources. MGT STOCK, its market data/data suppliers and related exchanges make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided and reliability, but cannot guarantee its absolute accuracy and reliability, and will not be liable (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising from any inaccuracies or omissions. In addition, such market data/data are provided based on the current situation and existing data, and are for reference only, please be cautious. If such market data/data are subject to change without prior notice, please pay close attention to the latest developments on the website and mobile applications.

Any information contained in the website and mobile application is for general information only and should not be considered as investment advice and should not be used as the basis for making business decisions. While MGT STOCK will endeavor to ensure the accuracy of the data, MGT STOCK accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions. In addition, the information contained in the website and mobile application does not constitute any offer, solicitation, recommendation, opinion or any guarantee of securities, financial products or instruments in any jurisdiction. The prices of securities and/or financial products sometimes fluctuate sharply, may rise or fall, and may even become worthless. Please pay attention to the risks.

MGT STOCK does not represent or guarantee the correctness or reliability of any information, content or advertisements obtained from the website and mobile application related services. MGT STOCK is also not responsible for the quality assurance of any products, information and data displayed, purchased or obtained by you through advertisements, information or invitations on websites and mobile applications. Websites and mobile applications may link you to websites of interest. Although the above information is based on sources that MGT STOCK believes to be reliable, MGT STOCK does not guarantee its accuracy, and the information may also be incomplete or out of date. Access to such website links is at your own risk. MGT STOCK does not investigate, verify, monitor or endorse the content, accuracy, opinions expressed, and other links provided by such resources.

In view of the characteristics of the Internet, the services provided by the website and mobile applications may sometimes experience force majeure phenomena such as interruptions and failures, which may cause inconvenience to your use, data loss, errors, tampering or other economic losses. You should take your own protective measures when using the services provided by the website and mobile application. MGT STOCK shall not be liable for any damages caused by your use (or inability to use) the services provided by the website and mobile application due to the above reasons.

The website and mobile application contain stock trading functions, but should not be regarded as soliciting you to execute any transaction, and you are responsible for the transactions executed on the website and mobile application. Before you trade, please be sure to read the following risk warnings carefully:

MGT STOCK has taken effective measures to protect the security of your data and transaction activities. Nevertheless, MGT STOCK hereby solemnly reminds you that there may be the following risks in using Internet transactions:

  1. Transaction instruction/data interruption, delay, data error, etc. caused by Internet or mobile communication Internet data transmission and other reasons;
  2. Let others know the account, password and other information saved in the mobile phone due to the loss of the mobile phone or poor password storage;
  3. The Internet or mobile communication Internet is maliciously attacked or its server failure and other factors lead to errors or delays in transaction instructions/data;
  4. The mobile phone’s own equipment and software system are illegally attacked or infected by viruses, which affects its normal operation;
  5. The configuration, performance or software system of the mobile phone does not match the trading system provided, making it unusable;
  6. Improper or unskilled operation of mobile phones leads to failure or error of transaction orders;
  7. Other non-MGT STOCK system reasons lead to communication Internet failure and transaction query/failure. In view of the above risks, I hope that you will learn to protect yourself, master appropriate computer and mobile phone operation experience and security knowledge, and once you find any abnormality in your account or mobile phone, contact MGT STOCK or the mobile phone supplier as soon as possible and handle it properly.