Terms of Service

Longsheng Financial Co., Ltd. launched the Meigangtong Securities Platform (hereinafter referred to as "Meigangtong Securities") to provide services to members of Meigangtong Securities (hereinafter referred to as "Members") in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This agreement is legally binding between the member and the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities. Before registering as a member of Meigangtong Securities, Meigangtong Securities hereby reminds you to carefully read and fully understand the terms and conditions of this agreement, especially the clauses related to exemption and limitation of Meigangtong Securities' liability and restrictions on member rights. Please carefully read and choose whether to accept or not to accept the content of this agreement. Unless you accept all the terms of this agreement, Meigangtong Securities has the right to refuse your application to use Meigangtong Securities. Once you are registered as a member of Amway Securities and use the related services of Amway Securities, it is deemed that you have fully understood and accepted all the terms of this agreement.

Chapter 1 Services of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities
Article 1 The platform services referred to in this agreement are services provided by American Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities to members through (website: 6267. com). The specific service content includes but is not limited to: trading information release, trading management, customer service, etc. The specific details shall be subject to the service content provided by American Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities at that time. Meigangtong Securities has the final right to interpret the platform's service content. As an intermediary service provider, Meigangtong Securities shall not be liable for the authenticity of the transactions between the two parties or for any possible breach of contract between the two parties.
Article 2 In order to protect your rights and interests, you must carefully read and fully understand all the terms of this service agreement before voluntarily registering to use the services of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect. Once registered as a member of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities or using platform services, it is deemed that you fully understand and accept the content of this service agreement, and are willing to independently assume corresponding legal responsibilities in your personal name.
Article 3 During the performance of this agreement, Amtrak Securities reserves the right to modify the content of this service agreement. Once there is a change in the content of this service agreement, Meigangtong Securities will publish the latest service agreement through the Meigangtong Securities platform and will not provide individual notifications to members. The announcement period is generally five working days. If a member does not agree with the amendment of this service agreement made by Amway Securities, the member has the right to apply to stop using the platform services during the announcement period. After the expiration of the announcement period, if a member continues to use the platform services, it shall be deemed that the member has accepted the modifications made by Amway Securities to this service agreement, and the modified agreement shall be legally binding on both parties.
Article 4 As for the notice, any other notice or other notice about members' use of member accounts and services, members agree that American Hong Kong Stock Connect has the right to make an announcement on its prominent position through the American Hong Kong Stock Connect securities platform. At the same time, in addition to the aforementioned notification methods, American Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities still has the right to make announcements through electronic means such as email, mobile SMS, wireless communication devices, or letter (including EMS) transmission, and such notices are deemed to have been delivered to the recipient on the date of sending. The above notification form has the same legal effect, but due to information transmission and other reasons, the member did not receive the aforementioned notice
Chapter II Membership
Article 6 A member of American Stock Connect Securities refers to a natural person who complies with the laws of People's Republic of China (PRC), has full civil rights and capacity for civil conduct, and can bear civil liabilities independently. After providing registration review materials in accordance with the registration procedures and requirements formulated by American Stock Connect Securities, the member has the right to use the platform services provided by American Stock Connect Securities. Article 7 Members promise the following:
1. In order to register as a member, any information you provide to American Stock Connect Securities according to the registration process is true, accurate, complete and effective;
2. Members are obliged to maintain and update their information to ensure that it is true, accurate, complete and effective. If there are any changes in the materials submitted by members to the platform, or if there are any errors, falsity, obsolescence or incompleteness, members should make changes within 1 working day from the date when they know or should know the relevant matters, and submit the corrected materials through American Stock Connect Securities.
3. In the event that, in its independent judgment, Meigangtong Securities believes that the information submitted by the member is wrong, false, outdated or incomplete, Meigangtong Securities has the right to suspend the service of the member and notify the member by electronic means such as e-mail, SMS, wireless communication device or letter delivery (including EMS). Members shall make corrections within the time notified by American Stock Connect Securities and in accordance with the requirements and procedures in Article 7, Item 2. Otherwise, American Stock Connect Securities has the right to terminate its membership and terminate some or all functions of providing American Stock Connect securities services. In this case, American Stock Connect Securities does not assume any responsibility, and members agree to bear any direct or indirect expenses or losses arising therefrom.
4. In case of the failure to provide the securities service of American-Hong Kong Stock Connect or any mistakes in providing it, the member shall not take this as a reason to cancel the transaction or refuse to pay, and all consequences shall be borne by the member.
Chapter III Service Contents of Meigangtong Securities
Article 8 American Stock Connect Securities has the right to provide information publishing services through the American Stock Connect securities platform, that is, American Stock Connect Securities has the right to provide various information and materials to members and the public through the platform. The relevant information and materials released by the American Stock Connect Securities are only for the reference of members and the public, and the American Stock Connect Securities does not guarantee its truthfulness, accuracy and legality in any form. Members should make investment decisions according to their independent judgment. If a member conducts a transaction on this basis, the risks arising therefrom shall be borne by the member himself, and the member has no right to make any legal claim to the American Stock Connect Securities or the American Stock Connect Securities Platform on this basis, requiring it to bear any responsibilities. < br > article 9. American stock connect securities has the right to provide members with the following transaction management services: < br>1. A member account will be generated when registering with American Stock Connect Securities, and the member account will record the activities of the member in American Stock Connect Securities. The above-mentioned member account is the only account for members to log on to the American Stock Connect securities platform. < br>2. The member warrants and promises that the source of funds for trading through the American Stock Connect securities platform is legal. < br>3. The member confirms that the transaction confirmed by the member on the platform of American Stock Connect Securities according to the service process of American Stock Connect Securities will become an irrevocable instruction for American Stock Connect Securities to conduct relevant transactions or operations (including but not limited to paying or collecting money, freezing funds, concluding contracts, etc.) for the member. Members agree that the execution time of relevant instructions shall be based on the actual operation time of American Stock Connect Securities in American Stock Connect Securities Platform System. The Member agrees that the American Stock Connect Securities has the right to handle related matters in accordance with this Agreement and/or the dispute settlement rules of American Stock Connect Securities. Any dispute or loss caused by the member's failure to modify or confirm the trading status in time or to submit relevant applications shall be borne by the member, and the American Stock Connect Securities shall not bear any responsibility. < br>4. Members understand that China Stock Connect is not a bank or financial institution. According to the laws of the Republic of China, American Stock Connect does not provide "instant" money transfer service, and members agree that American Stock Connect or the platform will not be responsible for any delay in the receipt of funds not caused by its fault. < br>5. Members understand and agree that American Stock Connect Securities provides services to eligible members. American Stock Connect Securities is not responsible for members' investment, borrowing and other transactions on the American Stock Connect securities platform. American Stock Connect Securities cannot and has no obligation to ensure that members can successfully invest after issuing their investment intentions. The losses (including but not limited to losses such as interest and handling fees) caused by the above reasons shall be borne by members themselves. < br>6. When a member conducts various transactions or accepts transaction funds through the stock platform of American Stock Connect, American Stock Connect will not be liable for any losses or liabilities caused by failure to comply with the terms of this agreement or the operating instructions in the trading rules published by American Stock Connect. If the above situation occurs and the money has been remitted to the member's account in advance, the member agrees that American Stock Connect Securities has the right to deduct the money from the relevant member's account after notifying the member. If the money has been remitted to the member's bank account, American Stock Connect Securities has the right to claim it back from him, and the recourse expenses arising therefrom shall be borne by the member. < br>7. American Stock Connect Securities has the right to temporarily set or adjust the trading system based on the consideration of trading safety, including but not limited to trading limit, trading times, etc. Unless the above temporary measures will cause heavy losses to members, members are obliged to abide by the temporary measures. < br>8. If American Stock Connect Securities finds a processing error caused by system failure or any other reasons, American Stock Connect Securities has the right to correct the error, regardless of whether it is beneficial to American Stock Connect Securities or members. If the error causes the member to actually receive more money than he should have received, American Stock Connect Securities reserves the right to correct the improperly executed transaction regardless of the nature and reason of the error, and the member shall return the overcharged money or take other actions according to the specific requirements of the notice on correcting the error issued by American Stock Connect Securities to the member. The member understands and agrees that any overpayment or underpayment made by the member due to the above-mentioned handling errors will not be subject to interest, and American Stock Connect Securities will not bear any losses or responsibilities (including the losses of interest and exchange rate that may be caused by the above-mentioned handling errors). < br > Article 10 The American Stock Connect Securities has the right to provide the following customer services:
1. Bank card authentication: In order to use services such as recharge, withdrawal, and withholding provided by Meigangtong Securities or third-party institutions entrusted by Meigangtong Securities, members should submit valid bank debit card information registered in their own name according to the platform's prescribed procedures. After being approved by Meigangtong Securities, Meigangtong Securities will bind the member's account with the aforementioned bank account. If a member fails to submit or submits information that is incorrect, false, omitted, or invalid in accordance with the regulations of Meigangtong Securities, or Meigangtong Securities has reasonable reasons to suspect that the information submitted by the member has the above issues and the member has not corrected them, Meigangtong Securities has the right to refuse to provide bank card authentication services to the member, and the member shall bear the losses incurred due to the failure to use recharge, withdrawal, withholding and other services.
2. Recharge: Members can use the method specified by the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities to deposit funds into their accounts for trading through the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities platform.
3. Collection/Payment on Behalf: Meigangtong Securities provides collection/payment services according to the functions opened to members on its platform at the time. It collects various payments such as principal and interest from other members or third-party accounts established with Meigangtong Securities on its own or on behalf of a third-party institution, or pays the funds in the member's account to other parties designated by the member.
4. Withdrawal: Members can transfer funds from their accounts to bank card accounts certified by the platform through the withdrawal function opened by the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities at that time.
5. Query: Members can continue to query the records of operations conducted by members through the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities through the query function available at that time, but it does not include the member's authenticated bank card payment records. This record needs to be verified from the bank. Members understand and agree that any information obtained through the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities inquiry is for reference only and shall not be used as evidence or basis for relevant operations or transactions; If there is any inconsistency between this information and the records of American Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities, the written records provided by American Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities shall prevail. Members understand that the above recharge, collection/payment, and withdrawal services involve cooperation between American Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities and third parties such as banks and third-party payment institutions. Member agrees:
(a) Meigangtong Securities makes no commitment to the time of receipt of funds for the aforementioned services, nor assumes any responsibility related to it, including but not limited to interest, currency depreciation, and other losses incurred as a result. The time of receipt shall be subject to the specific trading system of the third party.
(b) Once a member uses the aforementioned services, it means that the member irrevocably authorizes the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities to carry out relevant operations, and the member cannot refuse payment or request cancellation of transactions for any reason.
(c) Regarding the aforementioned services, Amtrak Securities reserves the right to charge fees from members, but members should pay fees to third parties in accordance with their regulations. The specific fee standards can be found on the relevant information on the third-party website. Disputes or controversies arising between members and third parties regarding fee payment matters are not related to American Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities.
6. Based on the security of the Internet, members who promise to use the services provided by the US Hong Kong Stock Connect should ensure direct login to the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities or use the link provided by the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities
(c) Any loss or liability caused by the wrong instruction sent by the member to the American Stock Connect Securities, or the unclear information, ambiguity, incompleteness, or non-compliance with the instruction rules of the platform;
(d) Any other losses or responsibilities caused by the reasons or faults of the members.
chapter iv risk warning
article 13 Members understand and acknowledge that any transaction conducted through American Stock Connect Securities cannot avoid the following risks, and American Stock Connect Securities cannot and has no obligation to be responsible for the following risks:
1. Macro-economic risks: Due to changes in the macro-economic situation, abnormal fluctuations in prices and other aspects may be caused, and members may suffer losses.
2. Policy risk: Changes in relevant laws, regulations, policies and rules may lead to adjustment or termination of product or service types, abnormal price fluctuations, and members may suffer losses.
3. Default risk of the counterparty: the member suffers losses due to the inability or unwillingness of other counterparties to perform the contract in full and on time.
4. Interest rate risk: the change of market interest rate may have an impact on the actual income of buying or holding products.
5. Risks caused by other force majeure factors.
6. Any loss caused by the member's own reasons or faults, including but not limited to: mistakes in decision-making, improper operation, forgetting or revealing passwords, password being stolen, the computer system used by the member being invaded by a third party, and losses caused by malicious or improper operation of others when the member entrusts others to trading agent.
unless explicitly stated in the trading rules of the platform, American Stock Connect Securities does not provide any guarantee or guarantee for any transaction conducted by any member.
article 15 The American Stock Connect Securities or the American Stock Connect Securities Platform only tests the business information or transaction information published by members or third parties on the platform within a reasonable range, but does not guarantee or guarantee the authenticity, legality, accuracy, completeness and effectiveness of relevant information in any form, and does not assume any legal responsibility for any transaction conducted by members based on such information. Investment is risky and trading needs to be cautious. Members should conduct trading based on their own independent judgment and take full responsibility for their judgment or trading.
article 16
The above can't reveal all the risks and market conditions of members' trading through American Stock Connect. Before making a trading decision, members should fully understand the relevant transactions, make careful decisions, and bear all risks by themselves.
chapter v service fees
article 17
members use the services of American Stock Connect Securities, and American Stock Connect Securities has the right to charge the members related service fees. For details of the service fees, please refer to the description of the charging methods listed on the platform of American Stock Connect when members use the services of American Stock Connect. American Stock Connect Securities reserves the right to unilaterally set and adjust service fees.
Article 18
Members may need to pay certain fees to third parties (such as banks or third-party payment companies) during the use of services provided by the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities (such as recharge or withdrawal). The specific fee standards can be found on the relevant pages of the third-party website or the prompts on the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities platform.
Chapter 6 Account Security and Management
Article 19 Members understand and agree that it is their responsibility to ensure the confidentiality and security of their accounts and passwords. The member will be fully responsible for all actions and statements made using the member's account and password, and agrees to the following:
1. Members shall not disclose their accounts or passwords to anyone else, nor shall they use anyone else's accounts or passwords. If a member's member account is illegally used by others due to non US Hong Kong Stock Connect securities reasons such as hackers, viruses, or member's negligence in custody, US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities shall not be liable.
2. The US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities identifies members' instructions through their member accounts and passwords. The member confirms that after logging in using the member account and password, all actions taken in the name of the member account on the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities represent the member's own actions. The electronic information records generated by the operation of the member account are valid credentials for the member's behavior, and the member shall bear all responsibilities arising from this.
3. If the account and password of another person are falsely used, American Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities and its legally authorized entities reserve the right to hold the actual user jointly and severally liable.
4. Members should create a secure password in accordance with the relevant rules of the American Stock Connect Securities and the relevant prompts on the American Stock Connect Securities platform. The password setting of members should comply with the password setting rules of the American Stock Connect Securities, and should avoid selecting overly obvious words or dates, such as the member's surname, nickname, or birthday.
Article 20 If a member discovers that a third party has illegally used or stolen the member's account and password, or any other unauthorized account, they should immediately notify Amway Securities in an effective manner and request Amway Securities to suspend relevant services. Otherwise, all responsibilities arising from this shall be borne by the member himself. At the same time, members understand that there is a reasonable deadline for Amtrak Securities to take action on their requests. Prior to this, Amtrak Securities shall not be liable for any losses caused by the illegal use of this service by third parties.
Article 21
When a member decides to no longer use their member account, they should first settle all payable amounts (including but not limited to loan principal, interest, penalty interest, penalty, service fee, management fee, etc.), and then withdraw all available funds (if any) from the member account or issue other legal payment instructions to Meigangtong Securities, and apply to Meigangtong Securities to cancel the member account, After approval by the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities, member accounts can be officially cancelled.
If a member dies or is declared dead, their rights and obligations under this agreement shall be borne by their heirs, but their heirs shall provide corresponding proof documents in accordance with the requirements of the platform. If a member loses all or part of their capacity for civil rights or civil conduct, Amtrak Securities or its authorized entities have the right to rely on valid legal documents (including but not limited to effective court judgments)
1. Meigangtong Securities believes that the personal information provided by members is not truthful, valid, or complete.
2. When the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities discovers abnormal trading or has doubts or there is a risk of illegality.
3. Meigangtong Securities believes that member accounts are suspected of money laundering, arbitrage, pyramid schemes, fraudulent use, or other situations deemed risky by Meigangtong Securities.
4. Meigangtong Securities believes that the member has violated various rules stipulated in this agreement.
5. Members who fail to pay the corresponding service fees to the American Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities in accordance with regulations when using the American Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities fee service.
6. The member account has not been actually used for three consecutive years and the balance in the account is zero.
7. Based on reasons such as trading security, Meigangtong Securities, in its sole judgment, needs to suspend, interrupt or terminate all or part of the membership services (including fee based services) provided to members under this agreement.
8. When the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities confirms its request based on the request of other third parties and provides preliminary evidence or materials to the third party.
Article 23 If the circumstances specified in Article 22 above occur, members shall provide explanations, explanations, or corrections within a reasonable period of time as notified by the American Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities. Otherwise, American Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities has the right to terminate the provision of member account services, and has the right to suspend, close, or delete the member account and all relevant information and files in the member account. Meigangtong Securities shall not be liable for any losses incurred by its members as a result of such actions.
Article 24 The member agrees that the suspension, interruption, or termination of the member's account does not constitute the termination of the member's liability. The member shall still be liable for possible breach of contract or compensation for damages during the use of the securities services provided by the American Hong Kong Stock Connect, and the American Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities may still retain the member's relevant information.
Chapter 7 Compliance Obligations and Commitments of Members
Article 25 Members promise not to use the securities services of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect for any illegal purpose or in any illegal way, and promise to comply with relevant Chinese laws, regulations, and all international practices for using the Internet, and to comply with all network protocols, rules, and procedures related to the securities services of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect.
Article 26 Members agree and guarantee that they shall not use the securities services of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect to engage in activities that infringe upon the rights and interests of others or violate the law. Any violators shall bear all legal responsibilities. The above behaviors include but are not limited to:
1. Opposing the basic principles established by the Constitution, endangering national security, leaking national secrets, subverting national power, and undermining national unity.
2. Infringement of others' reputation, privacy, trade secrets, trademark rights, copyrights, patents, other intellectual property rights, and other rights and interests.
3. Violation of confidentiality obligations under laws or contracts.
4. Using the US Hong Kong Stock Connect securities service under the guise of someone else.
5. Engaging in any illegal trading behavior, such as selling firearms, drugs, banned drugs, pirated software, or other prohibited items.
6. Provide gambling information or induce others to participate in gambling in any way.
7. Suspected of money laundering, monetization, or engaging in pyramid schemes.
8. Engaging in any behavior that may contain computer viruses or may infringe upon the securities service system, data, etc. of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect.
9. Using the US Hong Kong Stock Connect securities service system to engage in activities that may have an adverse impact on the normal operation of the internet or mobile network.
10. Infringement of the commercial interests of American Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities, including but not limited to the publication of commercial advertisements that are not licensed by American Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities.
11. Upload, display, or disseminate false, harassing, defamatory, abusive, intimidating, vulgar, obscene, or any other illegal information using the Securities Service of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect.
12. Other US Hong Kong Stock Connect securities have legitimate reasons to consider inappropriate behavior.
Article 27 Meigangtong Securities reserves the right to delete all types of information in Meigangtong Securities that do not comply with legal policies, are untrue or inappropriate, at its sole discretion, without notifying members, and without assuming any responsibility.
Article 28 The member agrees to provide full compensation to the member, its affiliates, and partners for any compensation claims or demands (including legal fees) made or initiated by any third party due to the member's violation of this agreement, or the violation of documents that are incorporated into this agreement through reference to this agreement, or the member's violation of any law or the rights of any third party through the use of the securities services of the American Hong Kong Stock Connect.
Article 29 The member promises that the information provided to the platform or uploaded or published through the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities Platform is true, legal, and valid. If the violation of the above commitments causes losses to the securities of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect or other users of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect, the members will bear corresponding responsibilities.
Chapter 8 Service Interruption or Failure
Article 30 Members agree that due to the unique nature of the Internet, the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities does not guarantee that the platform services will not be interrupted, nor does it guarantee the timeliness and/or security of the platform services. When the system is unable to operate normally due to related conditions, making it impossible for members to use any of the securities services of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect or being affected in any way when using any of the securities services of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect, US Hong Kong Stock Connect shall not be liable to members or third parties. The aforementioned situations include but are not limited to:
1. During the shutdown and maintenance period of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect securities system.
2. Telecommunications equipment fails and cannot transmit data.
3. Interruptions or delays in the securities services of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect due to hacker attacks, network supplier technology adjustments or malfunctions, website upgrades, banking issues, and other reasons.
4. Due to force majeure factors such as typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, power outages, wars, terrorist attacks, etc., the US Hong Kong Stock Connect securities system is hindered and unable to operate.
Chapter 9 Scope and Limitations of Liability
Article 31 Meigangtong Securities does not provide any form of guarantee for any Meigangtong Securities services, including but not limited to the following:
1. The US Hong Kong Stock Connect securities service will meet the needs of members.
2. The securities services of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect will be uninterrupted, provided in a timely manner, or error free.
3. Any products, services, information, or other materials purchased or obtained by members through the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities Service will meet the expectations of the members.
Article 32
The quality and content of the services provided by the cooperating units of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities Service shall be the responsibility of the cooperating units themselves. The content of Meigangtong Securities may involve other websites owned, controlled or operated by third parties (hereinafter referred to as "third-party websites"), and Meigangtong Securities cannot guarantee or have no obligation to guarantee that any information on third-party websites is true, legal, and valid. The member confirms to use the third-party website in accordance with the service agreement of the third-party website. The third-party website is not recommended or introduced by the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities, and the content, products, advertisements, and any other information on the third-party website are at the discretion and risk of the members.
Article 33 The advice or information obtained by members from or through the securities services of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect, whether written or oral, does not constitute any guarantee of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect securities services.
Article 34 Meigangtong Securities does not guarantee the authenticity, legality, effectiveness, and security of external links set up to provide convenience to members. At the same time, Meigangtong Securities shall not be responsible for any content on any webpage that is not actually controlled by Meigangtong Securities, as pointed to by such external links. If a member or other third party believes that the content of such links is illegal or may infringe on the legitimate interests of the member or third party, they have the right to file a complaint with the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities and require measures such as removing or disconnecting the links.
Article 35 Unless otherwise specified in this agreement, in any case, the total amount of breach of contract compensation liability borne by Meigangtong Securities for providing services under this agreement shall not exceed the total amount of Meigangtong Securities service fees charged to members.
Chapter 10 Privacy Protection and Authorization Terms
Article 36 The member information provided by members or collected by members will be protected, used, or disclosed by Meigangtong Securities in accordance with relevant laws and regulations or this agreement. Within the above scope, the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities may use relevant information without the consent of members, without harming their legitimate rights and interests.
Article 37 The US Hong Kong Stock Connect may collect members from public channels or other sources
Chapter 11 Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
Article 43 All content on the Meigangtong Securities platform, including but not limited to related works such as text, images, audio and video, software works such as platform architecture, screen arrangement, web design, and other intellectual property rights such as trademark rights, patent rights, or trade secrets, shall be legally owned by Meigangtong Securities or other rights holders.
Article 44 Without the written consent of the securities or other rights holders of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect, no one shall use, modify, copy, publicly disseminate the above-mentioned intellectual property rights and their objects without authorization.
Article 45 Members are not allowed to download (except for page caching) or modify the platform or any part of it without the explicit written consent of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities. Members are not allowed to resell or commercially utilize the US Hong Kong Stock Connect securities platform or its content; Do not collect and utilize product catalogs, descriptions, and prices; Do not make any derivative use of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect securities platform or its content; Do not download or copy account information or use any data collection, Robots, or similar data collection and extraction tools for other commercial purposes. It is strictly prohibited to systematically obtain the content of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities for the purpose of directly or indirectly creating or editing collections, compilations, databases, or directories without the written permission of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities. In addition, it is strictly prohibited to use the content and materials on the US Hong Kong Stock Connect securities platform for any purpose not explicitly permitted by these usage conditions.
Article 46 Without the express written consent of Meigangtong Securities, the website or any part thereof shall not be copied, copied, imitated, sold, resold, accessed, or otherwise utilized for any commercial purpose. Without the express written consent of Meigangtong Securities, members shall not use any technical means to possess the trademarks, logos, or other proprietary information (including images, text, web design, or form) of Meigangtong Securities or its affiliated companies. Any unauthorized use will terminate the permission or license granted by Genbang.
Article 47 If there is a violation, the member shall be liable for damages and other legal liabilities arising from the violation of intellectual property protection clauses to the US Securities, US Securities website, and any third party.
Chapter 12 Interpretation, Legal Application, and Dispute Resolution of Provisions
Article 48 This agreement is jointly signed by the member and Amway Securities and applies to all activities of the member in Amway Securities. The content of this agreement includes but is not limited to the terms of the main body of the agreement and various rules that have been published or may be published in the future. All terms and rules are an integral part of the agreement and have the same legal effect as the main body of the agreement.
Article 49 This agreement does not involve legal relationships or disputes arising from online transactions between members and other members of the US Hong Kong Stock Connect Securities. However, the member hereby agrees to fully accept and fulfill any electronic legal texts signed with other members of the American Stock Connect Securities on American Stock Connect Securities, and promises to enjoy and/or waive corresponding rights, assume and/or exempt corresponding obligations in accordance with such legal texts.
Article 50 If any provision of this agreement is in whole or in part for any reason